Wednesday, May 29, 2013

WP TID Generator!

Documentation Beats Conversation - Show Me The Money

Discover How You Can Quickly And Easily Find Your MONEY Keywords On ClickBank

All Super Affiliate who promote clickbank products track their sales because Conversions equals Unlimited Profits!!!


Access to the thank you page of your vendor is virtually impossible and that means no matter which tracking software or method you use you cannot track and follow your customers through the buying process.

No matter how you drive traffic unless you know which keywords convert to cash, you are wasting valuable marketing $$$$.

With your chosen traffic method you can quickly assess the value of a keyword and the volume of visitors to your site.

Everything else is like flying blind!

I was struggling with this very problem on one of my first affiliate sites I was driving traffic to a good product and I had some conversions but in the end I wasn t breaking even. I was using a ton of keywords, but I had no idea which keywords were converting and which were wasting my efforts.

So I started searching for a solution: My first efforts lead to the search engines where I searched for clickbank conversion tracking. I found plenty of search results. My confidence rose and I thought, well, I am sure one of these will come up with an answer.

I also started reading blogs and forums. The more I looked through the search results and the more I read, the more I realized there wasn t actually a good solution. People were all asking the same thing, but nobody had an answer.

How can I find the MONEY keywords with clickbank?

It seemed like no one really knew the answer! Could that really be true? All the super affiliates with millions in affiliate sales and all are flying blind?

After Experiencing The Frustrating Search For A Solution, And Worse, the Countless Hours I Had Spent On Pushing The Wrong Keywords I Decided To Do Something About It!!!

Soon I found out, there is one small light of hope and that is called the Clickbank Tracking ID (TID).

It is a secret tool which clickbank give away FREE and not a lot of affiliates know about it. This little tool can help you get part of the way to tracking your conversions like a pro, it enables tracking a specific link.

Now this was something I could build on.

I knew this could be the answer to my challenge , and not only mine, but thousands of other clickbank affiliates.

There had to be a way to make use of the TID in order to track the conversions of the distinct keywords used to find their site through PPC or search engines.

And then I did what I usually do when I have to solve a difficult question I took a long walk in the nearby woods and started brainstorming.

When I came back I had the perfect solution in my mind and started developing a wordpress plugin (almost all my sites are built on wordpress, they have an easy platform everyone can use). After slaving and pushing myself through sleepless nights, I finally had all the bits and pieces together.

The ultimate Clickbank Conversion tracking solution was finished:


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